
Sunday, August 21, 2016

Ju Da Sanfona - O Forró Aqui é Assim from O Forró Aqui é Assim Volume 1 - Rozenblit Passarela (1975)

O Forró Aqui é Assim from Ju Da Sanfona is a classic LP full of smooth vocals and tongue twisting lyrics. 

Ju Da Sanfona - O Forró Aqui é Assim from O Forró Aqui é Assim Volume 1 - Rozenblit Passarela (1975) 

Ju Da Sanfona - O Forró Aqui é Assim from O Forró Aqui é Assim Volume 1 - Rozenblit Passarela (1975) 

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Antônio Barros - Já Faz Tempo Não Lhe Vejo from compacto simples - Fontana (1971)

Antônio Barros was a major composer on the forró scene in the 60s and 70s. Procurando Tu from 1970 was recorded by virtually every major act and artist in the genre. Já Faz Tempo Não Lhe Vejo, a follow-up single, is more obscure. Although he recorded several albums and singles, his career as a songwriter is what he is best known for. 

Antônio Barros - Já Faz Tempo Não Lhe Vejo from compacto simples - Fontana (1971)

Antônio Barros - Já Faz Tempo Não Lhe Vejo from compacto simples - Fontana (1971)

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Babá Okê Sussú - Preto Velho & Rainha Da Pontaria from Preto Velho - OKeh (1968)

Umbanda is a religion in Brazil that incorporates African, Roman Catholicism, Spiritualism and Native American (likely South American) beliefs. Some Brazilians call Sussú's records Voodoo. Voodoo is another syncretic religion that comes in multiple varieties. I am not an expert on Umbanda or Voodoo, so I can't speak to Sussú's beliefs specifically. I can say that Sussú's music, like his religion, is a combination of musics. Sussú does not play forró or samba specifically, but may incorporate the rhythms and melodies of both. 

Babá Okê Sussú - Preto Velho from Preto Velho - OKeh (1968)

Babá Okê Sussú - Rainha Da Pontaria from Preto Velho - OKeh (1968)

Babá Okê Sussú - Preto Velho - OKeh (1968)

Monday, August 1, 2016

Trio Nordestino (Alagoas) - Diga Prá Ela from Acuda Patrão Acuda - Pierrot (1980)

Confusingly, there are two different Trio Nordestinos. The group with multiple albums on CBS in the 1960s and 1970s is Trio Nordestino da Bahia. The other Trio Nordestino is from Alagoas. They most commonly appear in the upside-down taco shaped cangaceiro hats famously worn by Luiz Gonzaga. I have featured the Bahia group on this blog, but this is my first entry for the Alagoas band. I like the Bahia group, but I prefer the Alagoas act.

Diga Prá Ela is a wonderful track hidden away on their 1980 LP Acuda Patrão Acuda. Of the tracks that I transferred last spring, this one is one of my favorites. The delivery has a cool swing and mostly acoustic backing. Lovely stuff.

Trio Nordestino (Alagoas) - Diga Prá Ela from Acuda Patrão Acuda - Pierrot (1980)

Trio Nordestino (Alagoas) - Acuda Patrão Acuda - Pierrot (1980)