
Monday, January 20, 2014

Osvaldo Oliveira - Cinzas Da Fogueira- from Pau de Sebo Vol 03– CBS 1969

Osvaldo Oliveira - Cinzas Da Fogueira- from Pau de Sebo Vol 03 – CBS 1969

This is Osvaldo Oliveira's second entry on forroLPgringo. Before 1970, Oliveira wrote and recorded quite a few classic forró songs and 3 fantastic LPs. Oliveira's entry on Pau De Sebo Volume 3 is a lively number full of the tricky phrasing representative of this classic period in his career. It teeters towards the slightly tacky, like some forró can, but is saved by Osvaldo's Oliveira's monstrous bravado.

Osvaldo Oliveira - Cinzas Da Fogueira- from Pau de Sebo Vol 03 – CBS 1969

Click on the video above to play the song.
iOS? click here: http://youtu.be/AUWAnReBqz4

Osvaldo Oliveira

Friday, January 10, 2014

Pau De Sebo Volume 5 - CBS 1971 featuring Jacinto Silva & João do Pife

Pau De Sebo Volume 5 - CBS 1971 featuring Jacinto Silva & João do Pife

1971, the year this compilation was released, may be the pinnacle for CBS forró. Jackson do Pandeiro and Elino Julião released what were arguably their greatest LPs, O Dono Do Forró and Aquilo. CBS had a red hot house band that backed most of the artists, led by A&R director and accordion master Abdias. Pau De Sebo was the longest running compilation series in all of forró. Each volume had exclusive tracks from each artist, making these compilations highly collectible. This LP also showcased the CBS debut of Jackson do Pandeiro, featured on forroLPgringo in December 2012. Pau de Sebo might have been a budget compilation series, but the tracks sounded stellar. The Jacinto Silva and João do Pife tracks were prime examples; beautifully recorded and mixed in lush stereo.

Jacinto Silva - Vem Amor from Pau De Sebo Volume 5 - CBS 1971

Click on the video above to play the song.
iOS? click here: http://youtu.be/Qm68rGb5OxI

João do Pife - Se Arrastando from Pau De Sebo Volume 5 - CBS 1971

Click on the video above to play the song.
iOS? click here: http://youtu.be/V61yZAuWy14

Jacinto Silva: What, me worry?

João do Pife cuts a rug...

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Marinês - Na Peneira Do Amor from Na Peneira Do Amor - CBS 1971

Marinês - Na Peneira Do Amor from Na Peneira Do Amor - CBS 1971

The ladies of forró, part 4 of 4! Marinês is back on forró LP gringo, with the self titled track from her 1971 CBS LP. 1971 was a hot year for CBS forró artists. Jackson do Pandeiro and Elino Julião recorded my favorite songs from their vast catalogs that year. Marinês' work for CBS and RCA was exceptionally strong, often trumping the male artists in the forró dude ranch.

Marinês - Na Peneira Do Amor from Na Peneira Do Amor - CBS 1971

Click on the video above to play the song.
iOS? click here: http://youtu.be/56W6ROB32cM

Marinês e Sua Gente with Luiz Gonzaga